Breaking News from The Guild Reporter
Happenings about people and publications and the industry
Journalism Sites
- American Journalism Review
- Columbia Journalism Review
- International Federation of Journalists
- Journalism Information –
- Journalism Jobs
- National Writers Union
Industry News and Information
- Behind The Label – Campaign Against Sweatshops
- Editor and Publisher
- Fast Web: Source for finding Scholarship money & Financial Aid
- National Freedom of Information Coalition Center
- Hard Miles Music – Labor Music and Arts
- NewsJobs.Net
- Readership Institute at Northwestern University
- Labor Arts
- Mortgage Calculator
The Labor Movement
- Communications Workers of America
- The Newspaper Guild
- TNG Canada
- Coalition of Labor Union Women
- Jobs with Justice
- Labornet News from the labor movement.
- Labornotes A monthly labor magazine.
- National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians (NABET) – Sector of CWA
- UMass Labor Resource Center
Other Guild Locals
- Albany Newspaper Guild
- Pacific Media Workers Guild
- Boston Newspaper Guild
- Buffalo Newspaper Guild
- Canadian Media Guild
- Chicago Newspaper Guild
- Denver Newspaper Guild
- Detroit Newspaper Guild
- Freelancers Union
- Indianapolis Newspaper Guild
- International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
- Kenosha Newspaper Guild
- Kingston Newspaper Guild
- Lake Superior (Duluth) Newspaper Guild
- Manchester Newspaper Guild
- Milwaukee Newspaper Guild
- Minnesota Newspaper Guild
- Montreal Newspaper Guild
- New York Newspaper Guild
- News Media (Wire Service) Guild
- Northeast Ohio Newspaper Guild
- Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild
- Peoria Newspaper Guild
- Peterborough Typographical Union
- Pittsburgh Newspaper Guild
- Portland Newspaper Guild
- Sheybogan Newspaper Guild
- Toledo Newspaper Guild
- United Media Guild
- Victoria-Vancouver Island Newspaper Guild
- Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild
- Western District Council
Government Labor Sites
- U.S. National Labor Relations Board
- U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Information of Employment discrimination)
- U.S. Department of Labor (Information on minimum wage and overtime laws)
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Rhode Island Department of Labor & Training