3 events found.
Membership meeting: Delegates and Projo MOA
PNG Providence office 1 Fulton St., Suite 204, Providence, RI, United StatesAll members, units invited Agenda: •Vote to authorize John Hill, Kate Levesque, and Betsy Regan and alternates for delegates for TNG Sector Conference in January 2015 •Vote on an interim…
Worcester interim agreement ratification meeting
PNG Worcester office 32 Franklin St., 3rd Floor, WorcesterA bare-bones interim agreement with New Media affecting the Worcester Unit goes before members in a ratification vote set for noon Friday, March 27 The meeting will be in the…
Brockton Unit members meeting
VFW - Brockton North Quincy Street, Brockton, MA, United StatesEnterprise of Brockton Unit of Local 31041 Membership Meeting WHEN: 7:00 pm Tuesday September 29, 2015 WHERE: VFW, North Quincy Street, Brockton, MA AGENDA: Bargaining updates