for a week-long byline strike, beginning with the newspaper to be published
Monday, June 5, and running through the Sunday Journal of June 11. The demonstration
is one of several actions the Guild is taking in response to the failure
of the company to make constructive moves toward reaching agreement for
a new contract. The byline strike
will be followed in later weeks by demonstrations and rallies, and efforts
to increase economic and public relations pressure on the company. Previously, the Guild
has had byline strikes lasting two days. ·
Symbolism is important: the greater the participation, the more effective
the message to the company and the public. The Guild has been
negotiating with the company for a new contract since last October. The company has made
no effort to close the gap between its and the union's positions since
the proposal of Jan. 24, which was turned down by the Guild membership
in a 354 to 28 secret ballot vote. Most recently, the
two sides met May 3, at which time the Guild attempted to significantly
narrow the differences: cutting its wage offer, adopting more of the company's
medical insurance program and moving toward resolution of the disagreement
about pensions. The Company has refused
to schedule additional bargaining sessions. Instead, the company mailed
the Guild a terse letter rejecting the Guild proposal. In addition, the Journal
sent Guild members a letter signed by a ranking executive issues last
week, in which the company dismissed the union's wage cut and decried
the union's suggestion of a signing bonus, without acknowledging the union's
offer to scrap a grievance that could be expensive for the company, or
the Guild's other concessions. The company said it
is standing by its Jan. 24 proposal, and threatening to worsen it. The Guild believes
the Journal's intransigence is an effort to make the contract dispute
an issue in the efforts by employees in the outside circulation department
to join the Guild. Ballots in that NLRB-supervised election are scheduled
to be counted June 27. The byline action is designed to show the company - and the public - the union's resolve to win a fair contract through frank and constructive collective bargaining.
TNG/CWA Local 31041 270 Westmister St., Providence, Rhode Island 02903 401-421-9466 | Fax: 401-421-9495 png@riguild.org |