A hot,
festive crowd of 150 gathered in front of the Journal Building last Friday
to back the drive of circulation workers to join the Guild, and to boost
efforts of the union in contract negotiations with the newspaper. For an
hour, Guild members and those of the other unions marched on the sidewalk
in front of the newspaper building, carried huge banners, chanted and
held signs. The demonstration comes as a two-week period of mail-ballot voting is underway by more than 100 outside circulation delivery service representatives who have petitioned to join the Guild. The National Labor
Relations Board is running the election, with the ballots to be counted
June 27 at the labor boards regional offices in Boston.At the
same time, the Guild is pressing for successful conclusion of contract
negotiations for the 500 reporters, ad salespersons, janitors, clerks,
photographers, artists and others already represented by the union. Last weeks hour-long rally followed on the heels of a week-long byline strike, and precedes plans for implementation of a work-to-rule program. Meanwhile, the union
is moving forward with plans to place direct economic pressure on the
company, efforts that will be helped by the other Rhode Island unions. Some of key representatives
at the Guild rally included George H. Nee, secretary-treasurer of the
state AFL-CIO and state Rep. Paul E. Moura, who is the national AFLs
state director in Rhode Island. Also here were Paul
A. MacDonald, president of the Providence Central Labor Council, Marcia
Reback,president of the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health
Professionals, Stan Israel, vice president of the New England Health Care
Employees Union, District 1199 SEIU, Rick Brook, director of United Nurses
and Health Professionals, Joseph R. Peckham, business agent, Council 94,
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees, members of
Jobs with Justice, Stuart B. Mundy, secretary-treasurer, and Jeremiah
OConnor, business agent, of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters,
Local 251, and many more. Larry Berman, Rhode
Island spokesman for U.S. Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, brought a letter from
the congressman that supported the Guilds effort. The financial
success that the Providence Journal Co. has reaped over the years is due
in large part of the hard work, dedication and excellence of the Guild
members, Kennedy wrote. I have met Belo
chairman Robert Decherd in Dallas and in Washington, and I would be happy
to speak with him in the future to urge him to treat its Providence Newspaper
Guild members with respect and to bring a successful conclusion to these
negotiations, he said.
TNG/CWA Local 31041 270 Westmister St., Providence, Rhode Island 02903 401-421-9466 | Fax: 401-421-9495 png@riguild.org |