The victory, in voting at a Jobs With Justice fund-raiser, caps a banner year for Sutton, who received many honors in 2000but none more coveted. With five executives
running, Sutton garnered about half the votes cast, and topped his
closest competitor, developer and former Providence Mayor Joe Paolino,
by almost 3 to 1. (Sutton got 338 votes; Paolino 136.) To vote, you had
to buy tickets to the fund-raiser, and each dollar entitled the donor
to one vote. Participants could divide their votes among the competitors.
Guild members who bought tickets loyally tossed all their votes to Sutton. But he could not
have won without the support of many other peoplemembers of
community and labor groups concerned about the Guilds struggle. People attending
the event were told about the Journals efforts to bust the Guild,
its illegal imposition of contract terms, its refusal to negotiate
and even how management wont let reporters tip cabbies. They learned that
500 hard-working people were facing their second New Years Day
without a raise. The Journals stinginess clearly outranked that
of the other big companies, including Lifespan and Blue Cross. As one member
of the Jobs with Justice coalition noted, in the Dickens story,
Scrooge does the right thing in the end. So we can regard Suttons
victory last night as not just an expression of public opinionbut
also a sign of hope. We dont know if there are any ghosts available to awaken Suttons conscience, but Jobs for Justice will attempt to present the award to him tomorrow -- Friday -- at 11 a.m. Please come greet the group on Fountain Street.
TNG/CWA Local 31041 270 Westmister St., Providence, Rhode Island 02903 401-421-9466 | Fax: 401-421-9495 png@riguild.org |