Retiree Guild and CWA membership
The Providence Newspaper Guild was granted a Retired Members Council chapter charter on February 23, 2011, becoming an official part of the retiree family of the Communications Workers of America. Among our initial members are former workers from the Worcester Telegram & Gazette and The Providence Journal, including former Journal writer Robert Frederiksen, who signed the original charter of the PNG in 1959.

Beyond social events, another purpose of the retireesorganization is voice, providing a way to influence governmental policies that affect issues important to us, such as pensions, health care, taxes and Social Security. The CWA has a vast organization that monitors the behavior of agencies and elected officials and reports on it. As members of the RMC, we are beneficiaries of that vigilance and have the clout of more than 40,000 of our brothers and sisters to make our voices heard.
In addition, we can now assist active Guild members in putting pressure on former employers by picketing, leafleting and other actions that we might have been reluctant to take in the past out of fear for our jobs. Members of our local chapter have already marched in front of the Associated Press office in Boston in support of a new contract for AP workers nationally.
Perks in the form of discounts
As an added attraction, RMC members have access to the CWA Union Privilege Program, also known as Union Plus, that offers many discounts on products such as car rentals and a 15 per cent savings on cell phone service through AT&T Mobility. Go to www.unionplus.org for these and other programs.
To join, there is a one-time fee of $25 that gives you lifetime membership. You can get more information at www.cwaretirees.org .
For local information, email John Hill or call him at (401) 461-9371.
Providence get-togethers
Retirees from the Providence Journal’s news department meet monthly for lunch, but alumni from any other sections of the paper are welcome. They gather at noon on the teenth Friday (the first Friday of the month that is a teen) at Chelo’s in Warwick, near the airport. The person in charge is Len Levin, formerly known as “Chairman Mao,” and is reachable at Lenlevin5@hotmail.com. All retirees are welcome.
Also, there is a Facebook page called “Journal news expats” that is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/183051958420376/. It’s a closed group, but anybody who is already a member can grant admission to the group.